To prevent the spread of COVID-19, all travellers arriving in Mauritius will need to go into government approved mandatory quarantine for 14 days from arrival. All incoming travellers will be liable to pay quarantine fees.
The costs of quarantine accommodation varies from Rs 35,000 (USD$877) to Rs 48,500 (USD$1 214) at the moment.
You can have a look at the different types of hotels on the following link:
The flight and hotel options are updated monthly. We recommend future students to check the above link frequently.
All prospective passengers (including Mauritians/holders of Mauritian permits) travelling to Mauritius will have to possess the following documents:
- a certificate of a negative COVID – 19 PCR test administered not more than 7 days prior to the date of embarkation
- a valid air ticket to Mauritius; and
- proof of purchase of a travel package including accommodation, on a full board basis, at a designated hotel for a mandatory 14-day in-room quarantine.
Incoming passengers to Mauritius must download and fill their Public Health Covid-19 Passenger Health Self-Declaration Form and Passenger Locator Form, which must be handed over to the Ministry of Health and Wellness counters upon their arrival.
Attention is also drawn to the fact that any arriving passenger will have to undergo PCR tests on day of arrival, day 7 and day 14 following arrival: and if a PCR test reveals that a person is COVID-19 positive, he shall be transferred to a public medical institution for treatment.
Under no circumstance are arriving passengers allowed to quarantine in personal housings (family/relatives/friends’ homes or personal apartments and bungalows).